The HiTIMe project has a number of scientific objectives: High-quality topological insulator nanoribbons (TINR) are synthesized and characterised at the nanoscale using methods such as scanning probe microscopy, microwave microscopy, THz scattering scanning near-field microscopy (s-SNOM) and local transport measurements. The results are fed back to material synthesis to tailor the properties of TINR, including new methods for controlled doping (e.g. charge and magnetic doping). The third pillar is the advancement of current state-of-the art bottom up device fabrication techniques on TINRs, specifically for creating charge confinement and high frequencies gates. All these efforts are guided by theoretical materials- and device modelling. The above steps will help us to meet the following main objectives of the project, which together will lead to our targeted breakthrough: the demonstration of RF manipulation and readout of single charge states in TIs. The work are organized into three scientific workpackages. Synthesis of new high quality TINR materials. (WP1) Methodology for characterising pristine TINRs using microwave and THZ Scanning Probe Microscopy (SPM) techniques. (WP2) Development of efficient RF gating technology for TI states. (WP2/3) Isolation of single charges on surfaces of TINRs. (WP2/3) Development of a TI high frequency single electron transistor, RF-SET (WP3)